Boosting agricultural exports – Agritrade 2024 Copy

Agritrade 2024, the biggest agricultural trade event in Guatemala, took place this March and provided a robust platform for innovation, exchange of knowledge and networking. The event was marked on the calendar for sector leaders, policymakers, shippers, consumers, and innovators to discuss the future of global agriculture. As one of the main logistics providers for all the exports in Guatemala and the Central American region, Maersk sponsored the event, and our logistics experts were available to talk about how agribusinesses could benefit from supply chain innovation.

A significant event in the agricultural industry, Agritrade serves as the premier platform for promoting agribusiness in the Central American region. Organized by the Agricultural Sector of the Guatemalan Exporters Association AGEXPORT, this expo takes place every two years and brings together international buyers and key exporters of fresh and processed products from Latin America. With over 130 international buyers engaging with more than 200 exhibitors, the event plays a role in driving economic growth and fostering international trade.

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