
Boosting agricultural exports – Agritrade 2024 Copy

Agritrade 2024, the biggest agricultural trade event in Guatemala, took place this March and provided a robust platform for innovation, exchange of knowledge and networking. The event was marked on the calendar for sector leaders, policymakers, shippers, consumers, and innovators to discuss the future of global agriculture. As one of

Doing Business in Latin America

Closing the high-level gathering, FAO Director-General QU Dongyu thanked Guyana for hosting the meeting and said that the 33 member states in the region had come together to establish a shared vision for the future, to achieve nutritious food for all, for today at tomorrow. “This has been a unique

Boosting agricultural exports – Agritrade 2024

Agritrade 2024, the biggest agricultural trade event in Guatemala, took place this March and provided a robust platform for innovation, exchange of knowledge and networking. The event was marked on the calendar for sector leaders, policymakers, shippers, consumers, and innovators to discuss the future of global agriculture. As one of